On Monday morning, Georgie woke up with a croup-y cough. It was tight and bark-like, which is the croup giveaway. Also, since she had it once before, I recognized the sound immediately. Croup is easy to treat and best to get treated quickly, since the cause of the cough is an infection in the airway, […]
Georgie’s Favorite Books: 21 Months
For the past several months, Georgie’s favorite toy hands down has been her books. She will spend huge chunks of time sitting and going through her books in her room and our living room (aka playroom), pulling them down and flipping through, opening flaps and touching fuzzy animals. She loves them and it’s wonderful to watch. […]
A Little Trick To Help Tantrums
In three months, Georgina will turn two, and we are starting to see some of the typical two year old behaviors emerging. Georgie has just started saying ‘no’ (honestly I think we are lucky it took her until 21 months!) and throwing mini tantrums, where she will throw herself onto the floor, wriggle her little […]