A Day In The Life

Recently I heard someone say, ‘the way you spend your days is the way you spend your life’ which I found to be really interesting. I love being home with Georgie everyday, and in the spirit of remembering these sweet, early months of her life, I wanted to capture the way we spent one of our days. Below is what we did yesterday!

7:15am – Georgie wakes up, I do what I do first thing every morning before getting out of bed which is take five deep breaths (I read somewhere that this is a great thing to do right when you wake up, and I do think it helps in getting the day started on the right foot) and head to Georgie’s nursery. I love greeting this sweet girl when she wakes up. She is always so full of smiles and thrilled to see us.





7:20am – Change Georgie’s diaper, drink a big glass of water and nurse her in bed.

7:45am – Georgie plays in bed with Tom while I take a shower.

8am – Georgie plays in her beloved Haba play gym, Tom makes three minute eggs, toast and coffee for breakfast. We move Georgie to her Bjorn bouncer so she can watch us and we have breakfast / chat.

8:30am – Change Georgie’s diaper, read her a few stories, and get her in her sleep sack. Have a few cuddles, lots of kisses and then put her down for her morning nap.

8:45am – Turn on the Today Show, check emails, news, gossip & Bloglovin. Gchat with friends.

10am – Breakfast #2, Kashi waffle with peanut butter. (I always have two breakfasts. I will blame this on needing extra calories because I’m nursing!).

10:30am – Georgie is awake! Give her one hundred kisses in her crib and turn on her mobile. She plays and coos happily while I pop her frozen homemade carrot puree in the Beaba to heat. Change her diaper, nurse her and feed her carrots which she loves and makes a huge, adorable mess of.



11am – Put Bob Marley (Georgie’s current fave) on bluetooth on the sound bar, put Georgie in her Bjorn bouncer and clean up the carrot mess. She happily kicks her chubby little legs and sucks on her fingers. Reggae music makes this little munchkin so mellow.



11:15am – Bring Georgie into the bedroom with me, and turn on the sound machine (also bluetooth!) so we can listen to Bob Marley while we get dressed & have a little playtime.



11:30am – Head outside for a walk. It’s mega hot (again) and I start sweating while Georgie stays cool thanks to her new stroller fan. Best purchase yet this summer.


12pm – Back inside and getting Georgie ready for her afternoon nap. Put her down and she falls asleep quickly, most likely humming Bob Marley in her sweet little head. While she sleeps, I make lunch (a tuna melt), read The Guardian’s recap of True Detective (since I usually understand about a quarter of what is happening on that show) and watch The Real Housewives of NYC.

1:50pm – She’s awake! Diaper change, nurse and defrost the green bean puree I made yesterday. She is not a big fan yet – I’ll keep trying (apparently it can take a week or more for babies to get used to certain tastes) but make her some oatmeal cereal in the meantime.

2:30 – Playtime & a walk around the neighborhood.

3:15 – Naptime routine and Georgie goes down for her last nap of the day. I start this book (I’m currently reading about five different books) and have some coconut yogurt and granola. She takes awhile to get to sleep and I hear her chatting to herself and making all kinds of noises, but eventually she quiets down.

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4:30pm – Awake! Diaper change, playtime & head to Madison Square Park so Georgie can stare at the water fountain in the playground – it’s her favorite these days and she is totally mesmerized. She also loves watching the big kids run around.

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5:30pm – Head home for playtime with Tom when he gets back from work. I love this time of day, when we are all together again.

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6pm – Tom gives Georgie her bath. We get her in pj’s, I nurse her, sing her bedtime song (Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star), kiss her cheeks over and over and put her in her crib for the night.

6:30pm – I get ready and head out to meet my girlfriends for sushi & wine.

9:30pm – Home, wash up and read in bed with Tom. Most nights I’ll do a ‘deep sleep’ meditation with my Calm app, but the wine has taken care of that for me tonight.

It was a good day!!


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One sweet thought:

  1. Joan says:

    Love your day!
    Especially the carrots 🙂

    8.7.15 | Reply