I have always been over the moon obsessed with hotel beds. Like huge puffy clouds with the comfiest down comforter and biggest, best pillows, they have always felt like the epitome of luxury to me.
In real life though, years and years of apartment living – first in New York, then in London and then New York again – meant that size was always an issue, and a queen bed was as big as I could get. For awhile this worked totally fine. It was more than enough space for just me, and for awhile after Tom and I moved in together and then got married, it was really nice to always be able to feel him next to me. Then I got pregnant, and the bed felt tiny, and then we had Georgie, and it felt even tinier.
Luckily, our bedroom here in Westchester is pretty big, so after a few months of saving we splurged on a brand new, king size bed, mattress and frame, sheets and pillows. LIFE CHANGING.
I was a little unsure about the Casper mattress concept at first (it’s a direct to consumer mattress brand that ships your mattress in a BOX!), but what really hooked me was this: the bed is memory foam, which means that in theory if your sleeping buddy moves in the night, you don’t feel it. This is huge for me because I’m such a light sleeper, and Tom gets up a bunch at night to get water, take advil etc. We have now had the bed for a few months and I am just so completely in love with it. It’s beyond comfortable and I genuinely look forward to slipping in every evening. Oh and we got the Casper pillows too, which are heavenly. It’s so close to hotel-bed wonderfulness that sometimes I forget I’m in my own bedroom 🙂
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