Hi! It’s been three years since I have posted anything and it felt like a good time to get back into it. I think I got bogged down with the duties of parenting little ones (especially through a pandemic) plus it seemed like Instagram took such a strong hold over blogs, and it has never really been my thing. I actually deleted my Instagram recently, because mindlessly scrolling started to feel like a real waste of time, and even though my account is private, sharing pictures of my kids started to feel not right.
Anyway! Blogging! I feel excited to start sharing again. So, here are a few quick life updates for now, and much more to come soon. Have a lovely day! x
-In February 2023, our third baby was born. A perfect 9lb 3oz baby boy named Guy. We have all been completely besotted with him.
-In September 2020, we got a puppy – a Bernese mountain dog and Australian shepherd mix named Scout. At times he is my most difficult and demanding child, but he’s such a part of our family.
-In March 2023, we got an au pair from Germany who stayed with us for a year and was an invaluable help. Our next au pair is flying in from France at the end of the week!